During a recent visit to Cambodia, I spent a few days in Takeo, about 2 hours South-West of the capital Phnom Penh, to visit the New Futures Organisation (NFO), which CamKids is now supporting.
NFO consists of an orphanage for 55 children and a nearby Vocational Training and drop-in centre. Some of the children in the orphanage are in their teens and so the aim is to try to equip them with the necessary skills and training to find work when it is time for them to leave. Sponsorship has already been secured to fund the cost of putting some of the children through college, including medical training. However, many more long-term donors are needed to secure the futures of these children.
CamKids is now funding the monthly food costs for all of the children and is also making available our donation collection and payment systems to NFO, to allow them to receive donations in the UK, Australia and the US, without any deductions for administration costs or funds transfer fees. In addition, we have also extended our child sponsorship programme to the younger children at NFO and are helping to find sponsors for those children who are able to secure places at college.
NFO welcomes volunteers from all around the world with particular skills or just the enthusiasm to help with whatever is needed at the time and to help teach English to the children. At the Centre, there are 8 rooms for visitors and volunteers. Guests are charged $5 per night and this helps to cover some of the running costs of the orphanage and the Centre. Alternatively, volunteers can stay at one of the nearby guest houses. Reports from the volunteers have all confirmed what an enjoyable and fulfilling time they have had and many have returned in the following year to stay for longer.
If you would like to volunteer for a day, a week or a year, please contact: neville@newfuturesorganisation.com. If you would like to sponsor a child, a college student or support our work with NFO in any other way, please send an e-mail to sponsorship@camkids.org.
Mark Purser
CamKids Trustee
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