Most people outside of Cambodia probably don’t realise that student absenteeism in State schools is extremely common, while at our CCC school our students hardly ever miss a class.
Unlike in the West, absenteeism is rarely due to the students not wanting to attend, but to ill health or social and economic pressures on their families. Children often miss classes for long periods as they are required to help their parents with family duties such as rice transplanting or harvesting.
At our CCC school, we have created a partnership with the community which not only provides a creative and high quality education which follows the Cambodian syllabus, but we also include other initiatives such as:
- Providing medical and dental treatment, which reduces absences due to illness;
- Free provision of school supplies - unlike in State schools, we make sure that all of our students have sufficient study materials;
- Follow up with family - any absences result in the family being contacted to find out the reasons and, if possible, resolving the issues so that the child can return to school;
- Unlike in many State schools, our teachers are always punctual and deliver high quality lessons to the students, free of charge.
Again, we would like to thank all of our sponsors and supporters for your donations to help these students receive a life-changing education. Contact us if you are interested in becoming a sponsor - just £10 per month provides a full education for a child.

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