CamKids had a meeting with 165 parents at the end of August to review the 2014 -2015 school year results and to plan ahead for 2015-2016. The final exam was taken at the end of August and the majority of our students passed. A small number failed – this was mostly due to family circumstances as these 13 children were needed to help on their family farms with looking after livestock, rice planting and harvesting.
We also ran a popular summer school program for 2 months in September and October to keep the children occupied through the long break and to improve their chances for jumping up a grade. This a first for the area as the government schools don’t run anything similar. We set another exam for our children at the end of the summer course and found that those 13 students had benefited from the course and passed the test. So all of of our 279 students at CCC school were able to go up to the next grade. We are very pleased that these 13 children managed to catch up and that their families understand the benefit of education.
The new school year started on 2nd November 2015 with 78 new students joining the school. All the children were provided with school supplies - study materials, uniforms and shoes. This year, we will be running a full primary school covering kindergarten to Grade 6 and we now have nearly 400 children studying at CCC.
Piseth continues to run our popular English classes and he does a wonderful job teaching English to the children. There are now 194 kids studying English with Piseth and they are divided into 6 classes running from the early morning till late evening.
During the summer school program, we were really pleased that three volunteers, 2 boys from GRADE SORELL and a girl from the village helped with teaching English to their juniors at CCC. Now, Mr. Ek Sophorn, a student of Piseth’s and a security guard, also helps teach English to grade 2 and 3 kids during his break time. It is great to see that Piseth’s students are now able to teach English to their juniors.
The vegetable garden is doing very well – with the kids involved in growing vegetables such as morning glory, mints, salads, cabbages, okra, zucchini, and gourd. The fish are growing well too and they are nearly big enough for harvesting. We believe that our fish pond and vegetable garden are not the only a food resource but also a life skills program that the students can apply at home helping their families. This shows that education is not only a lesson learnt inside the class room but one also learnt from everything that surrounds you. To sustain the biodegister and garden, each student was asked to collect and bring cow and other manure to school – with each child bringing about 30kgs, we collected enough manure to maintain the garden for the whole year!

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