Since 2011, the CamKids funded mobile dental team has provided dental treatment and oral health education to blind and deaf children in Krousar Thmey Schools and Centres located throughout Cambodia. The team has placed an increasing focus on providing oral health education, prevention and promotion measures. In addition, the team has continued to build the capacity of teachers and caregivers to supervise and monitor the children’s daily tooth brushing, hand washing, oral hygiene practices and to administer basic health care, in order to improve the students' overall health.
During a recent trip, the team provided dental treatment to a total of 507 patients across four different provinces, including Battambang, Kampong Cham, Siem Reap and Banteay Meanchey Provinces. The team then travelled to the Krousar Thmey centre at Kampong Cham Province and provided dental treatment to 154 patients, including 100 children and 54 adults. This was the second trip to Krousar Thmey at Kampong Cham Province in the last six months.
Mr. Ban Boeurn, the mobile dental team leader said that during the mobile trip to Krousar Thmey at Kampong Cham Province, the team faced problems with the poor oral health of the blind children, which required many of them to have fillings. Unfortunately, being blind, the children were scared of the sound of the dental drill. However, to alleviate their fears, the team encouraged the children by asking them to touch and feel each type of instrument that the team were going to use. This settled the children down and they all agreed for the team to do the treatment. Sometime later, the children were smiling once again and told the team that their pain had gone and they won’t cry at night time anymore.
We are the only charity supporting the medical and dental needs of deaf and blind children in Cambodia. Please consider making a donation to help support this valuable work.
If you are in the UK, you can text CAMK13 £10 to 70070 to make a £10 donation (or change to £5, £3 etc). Even a small donation of a few pounds from all of our supporters will make a huge difference. Remember, we do not have any overheads, so 100% of your donation goes to helping the children.
Alternatively, go to or to make a single or regular credit or debit card donation in £, $ and A$ or to pay in any currency through PayPal (all cards accepted).
Thank you
The CamKids Trustees
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