Wednesday, 28 March 2018

2017 Report & Accounts

The CamKids Trustees are pleased to report that our Annual Report and Accounts for 2017 have been filed with the Charity Commission and can be downloaded from HERE.

We would like to thank all of our donors and supporters, without whom we would not be able to help some of the world's poorest children.

If you have any questions about these accounts, please contact CamKids Finance

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Sunday, 25 March 2018

The biodigester

Our biodigester is a renewable energy source, producing methane from cow manure to generate gas for cooking and lighting.
It was built at CCC in 2014, funded by students from the Liger Leadership Academy in Phnom Penh, who raised the money to have it installed as part of their renewable energy project.
Not having to buy gas for CamKids staff cooking, saves around $140 per year, which may not sound like a lot but is the cost of educating a child at our school for a year.
Families work on a rota system to bring 20 kg of cow manure every day to put in the biodigester. This produces gas for 3 onsite staff to cook their food.
As an added bonus, the waste from the biodigester is excellent nutrient rich organic fertilizer for our veggie garden.

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