Over the past 5 years, CamKids has been funding a number of mobile Medical Teams, staffed by One-2-One Cambodia, to provide medical, nursing and maternal clinics and social welfare support to community members at very poor communities in the capital, Phnom Penh. Canalside Community, is located in an extremely poor district - most of the residents in this slum are rubbish pickers, construction workers and garment factory workers who face a range of health problems and diseases. More than 120 families with about 630 beneficiaries live in this slum.
- Medical care - includes treatment for a range of common injuries and illnesses such as dengue fever, acute infections, diarrhea, common colds, typhoid fever, malaria etc.
- Nursing care - includes health and hygiene education to adults and children and administration of basic health care, including height and weight measurements, de-worming (in line with the Cambodian National Strategy), nail cutting and wound care.
- Maternal care - includes prenatal and antenatal checkups, provision of vitamin supplements, vaccinations, breastfeeding and birth control advice for pregnant women before, during and after delivery and gynaecologist referrals for HIV testing, pap smears, ultrasounds etc.
The Medical Team has provided treatment and care to over 2,000 patients at this community, during the past year. This included of medical care to some 400 patients, nursing care, included deworming, to over 1,500 patients and maternal care to around 100 patients.
On a recent trip, the Medical Team interviewed a boy called Vong Dy, who is 18 years old, who lives at Canalside community. His father passed away and his mother is a rubbish picker. Dy is a student who studies in grade 10. One day, whilst returning from school, he was involved in a motor accident and injured his leg. He did not go straight to a regular clinic to receive proper care and treatment for the wound, because he had no money. As the Medical Team regularly visit Canalside on Thursdays, he decided to wait until the day of their visit. After he met with the Medical Team, he obtained the necessary treatment and wound care and also received advice from the Medical Team on how to maintain his dressings and also received pain relief medication.
We would like to say thank you to all of our donors and supporters for donating the funds to enable us to help these Cambodian people receive the medical care they so desperately need and to improve their overall quality of life.
If you are in the UK, you can text CAMK13 £10 to 70070 to
make a £10 donation (or change to £5, £3 etc).
Even a small donation of a few pounds from all of our
supporters will make a huge difference.
Remember, we do not have any overheads, so 100% of
your donation goes to helping the children.
make a £10 donation (or change to £5, £3 etc).
Even a small donation of a few pounds from all of our
supporters will make a huge difference.
Remember, we do not have any overheads, so 100% of
your donation goes to helping the children.
Alternatively, go to www.bit.ly/singdonate or www.bit.ly/regdonate to make a single or regular credit or debit card donation in £, $ and A$ or www.bit.ly/cccpaypal to pay in any currency through PayPal (all cards accepted).
Thank you
The CamKids Trustees