Sambo is 19 years old. He has only his mother and one younger brother living together in Phnom Penh. His mother is 45 years old, has had HIV for almost 10 years and stays at home every day, but he and his brother do not have HIV. Sambo’s brother Sambath studies grade 10 at high school, and Sambo has just completed grade 12 at school. He receives financial support from EYC. Unfortunately he failed the national high school exam about three months ago. Sambo decided not to go back to high school. He and his aunt are responsible for supporting the family.
Sambo is an optimistic boy. He has a part-time job as a computer teacher for Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point. He teaches from 2pm to 5pm at one of EYC Schools called AZIZA. He has another part-time work as a cleaner at one business in the White Building and at AZIZA. Besides, he is a talented picture designer and in his spare time he likes to go to art galleries where he meets his friends and designs pictures, searching for new styles, and creating new ideas together. Sambo is also good at playing guitar and he really loves classical music. Frisbee is his favorite sport.
Sambo decided to go to study for an associated degree next year at SETEC Institute with his major in Computer Design, and after he gets his degree, he will continue to study for a bachelor degree at the Royal University of Fine Arts. He said EYC will support him with about 50 percent of the study fees, so he needs to save money from now on from his part time job and his design skills.
Sambo is looking forwards to his university and the kind support from EYC, funded by CamKids. His ambition is to be a professional designer.