HAP continues to run smoothly and a number of new projects have been completed at the centre. A bio-digester was installed by CamKids with the support of the Liger International School in Phnom Penh. The idea is to reduce the use of wood as well as the costs and cooking time and to produce natural fertilizer for the vegetable garden. To keep children and staff safe, a concrete fence was built around the centre, with support from ASPECA. In addition, a new library and classroom was built, to expand the English classes for the children.
Last July, all the children had their general health checked at the ASPECA office in Kompong Speu; the results showed that all the children were healthy. The children also study at the Government school regularly and they are taking accelerated Khmer and English classes at the centre, to improve their knowledge. The older children have English classes with Mr. Piseth, an English teacher from CamKids, three days per week and now their English is much better. The children also still learn and practice dancing, drawing and playing music. The director monitors all the children’s activities and undertakes a weekly review and progress talk with the children.