In the past 12 months, CamKids has significantly increased its funding for projects aimed at relieving the pain and suffering of poor children and young adults, mainly through our joint work with the local medical and dental NGO, One-2-One.
CamKids established its first medical facility at an orphanage in Kampong Speu in 2006 and has since established medical facilities at a number of other organisations. Our projects with One-2-One include the funding of free treatment for poor children and orphans at the International University (IU) Hospital in Phnom Penh, the Ta Kmao clinic, a rural mobile dental / medical clinic, a weekly clinic at Canalside (see previous article) and we have just started a project to send 2 trained dental nurses into rural areas. In addition, CamKids funds the cost of the only dental clinic in Cambodia for HIV children.
The following is a recent report from One-2-One on the IU and Ta Kmao clinics' activities:
"During this quarter we continued to see children from 17 orphanages and NGOs from all over Phnom Penh. In addition, one NGO (“Who Will”) brought a busload of children from Kampong Chhnang Province. Some of the organizations are now bringing children for the second or third time, and it has been so encouraging to see that the children’s teeth have improved. No longer are many of these children in pain, with mouths full of rotting, abscessed teeth. Our use of topical fluorides and fissure sealants, along with basic treatment and oral health education, have been the main reasons for these marked improvements.
However, we are still seeing children from some newer orphanages and organizations, whose dental health is sometimes shocking to see. It is distressing when preschoolers are in pain or have swollen faces, or when teenage children have broken down or missing front teeth. A few of these older teenagers have needed crowns, root canal treatment or partial dentures and this has only been possible because of CamKids. The improvement in their health and appearance is sometimes remarkable.
The details of the 3 month period are summarized below:
Number NGOs and orphanages 18
Number of children seen 1,108
Number of fillings 480
Number of sealants 164
Number of extractions 422
Thank you again, CamKids, without whom this vital work could not be undertaken."
If you are are interested in making a donation to help us extend this extremely valuabe work, if you know any companies or organisations which might be interested in helping or if you have dental or medical skills and are planning a trip to Cambodia and would like to join the team on some of the visits, please email us.