Sunday, 19 December 2010

Wednesday, 8 December 2010
CamKids Winter 2010 Newsletter

To access the Newsletter, please click Here or Contact Us and we will send you a copy by e-mail. If you sign up to our Newsletter Here, you will receive your copy by e-mail every 6 months (your details will not be used for commercial or any other purpose).
Thank you once again to all of our donors and supporters, without whom none of this would have been possible.
With Best Wishes for the Holiday Season
The CamKids Trustees
Thursday, 2 December 2010
EXTRA DATE - Al Murray Xmas Special "Compete For The Meat" Benefit Show for CamKids

Cheers! It's the Guv'nor here!
I am bringing my sold out, smash hit Edinburgh quiz show, "Compete For The Meat" to London for 2 Xmas Specials in aid of CamKids, at the George IV Pub in Chiswick on 8th & 9th December.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Al Murray Xmas Special "Compete For The Meat" Benefit Show for CamKids

Cheers! It's the Guv'nor here!
I am bringing my sold out, smash hit Edinburgh quiz show, "Compete For The Meat" to London for an Xmas Special in aid of CamKids, at the George IV Pub in Chiswick on 8th December.
Only 60 tickets up for grabs - limited to two tickets per person, first come, first served!
Grab your tickets right now! Loads of prizes and surprises and a great raffle & auction!
Please contact: Gail Taylor gailt@avalonuk.com, for payment instructions.
Friday, 19 November 2010
Kais Medical Hut
Friday, 5 November 2010
NFO Farm Project
Monday, 1 November 2010
New School Building at Who Will Children's Village

Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Al Murray CamKids Golf Classic Fooore
Friday, 1 October 2010
CamKids and One-2-One SMILE Project
CamKids and One-2-One have embarked on another ambitious, but incredibly essential and effective community health development project in Kampong Speu Region. The following short report and accompanying photos were sent to us by one of the directors of One-2-One. Reports of progress on the project will follow as it progresses.
Kampong Speu is the first community for the CamKids SMILe project. We believe this is the first for
The area is about 1 ½ hours from
This trip was to gauge community interest and to meet with the Cambodian stakeholders of this community - the Village Chiefs and the local village health care volunteer, as well as villagers themselves, so that we can explain what we hope to do and involve them in the planning of service delivery. In the photos, you can see the One-2-One team lead by Dr Callum explaining and discussing what we hope to do and listening to them, to understand what their needs are and how we achieve the best outcome.
We also set out to have a look at what the dental situation is like and make some friends - show the mums and the children that dentist are friends. For many, seeing foreigners is a first, so it is important for them to see the
We will be back in October for a needs assessment trip and focus group interviews to better understand what the dental and medical needs are and what the pattern of feeding is for the preschoolers, so that we can better educate the mothers and the health care volunteers. This will be a week long visit. During this time our staff will live in the village and be part of village life. In November we will be back with training sessions and in December our service team will commence work with the assistance of the village mums, health care volunteers and community leaders, who we will have trained to work along side us - watch this space.
We are all really proud of this project - a great example of CamKids, One-2-One and our donors working together in partnership for the sake of the children of
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Kilimanjaro Challenge

Last month, 3 CamKids supporters took on the challenge of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, to raise money for CamKids. The following is a short report of their adventure.
Our names are John Elsey, Joanne Chiappinelli and Antony Chiappinelli and we have just returned from a trip to Tanzania where we attempted to reach the summit of .
At 19,336 feet (5,895m), snow capped Mount Kilimanjaro is
We started the climb on 9th of August 2010 with 'Team Kilimanjaro' and after 5 hard days we all successfully reached the summit at 8am on the 14th August. Our experience finished on the 15th August when we all safely descended back to the start of the national park.
So far we have raised over £1,700 for CamKids. Please check out our JustGiving site: www.justgiving.com/JJA2010.
The Trustees of CamKids would like to thank John, Jo and Antony for their incredible efforts and for raising so much for CamKids. John is also travelling out to Cambodia in January, to volunteer at one of the projects we support. We would also like to wish him good luck and are sure that he will have a great time.
If you are interested in fundraising for CamKids, please visit www.justgiving.com/tccc or send us an email.
Friday, 10 September 2010
Empowering Youth in Cambodia - Education Scholarships

Monday, 9 August 2010
Sport & Fitness for Underpriviledged Children
Sunday, 8 August 2010
4th Al Murray CamKids Golf Classic

The 4th Al Murray Golf Classic, to benefit CamKids, will be held at Effingham Golf Club on 24th September 2010. It promises to be a great day, once again, with entertainment throughout the day from the Landlord himself and surprise guests.
The last few playing spaces are still available as well as tickets for the evening meal and entertainment only. Pictures of last year's event can be seen at: CamKids News Blog.
If you are interested in taking part, or would like to register for next year's event, please email: golf@camkids.org by 30 August.
Monday, 2 August 2010
Skydive for CamKids

Wednesday, 14 July 2010
CamKids Summer Newsletter

To access the Newsletter, please click Here or Contact Us and we will send you a copy by e-mail. If you sign up to our Newsletter Here, you will receive your copy by e-mail every 6 months (your details will not be used for commercial or any other purpose).
Thank you once again to all of our donors and supporters, without whom none of this would have been possible.
With Best Wishes
The CamKids Trustees
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Who Will Children's Village

There have been some amazing changes and improvements since we got involved with Who Will. The centre now has 4 residential houses with one carer in each of the 3 houses and a husband and wife in the fourth. Listed below are some of the significant developments:
- There is a shaded play area between two of the houses, with swings, monkey bars, a see saw, a balance bar and some tables and benches to sit at and play or chat. These were donated by Lorna Morris, a volunteer who raised money in her home of Jersey and came to volunteer at Who Will for a month. She was the very first volunteer in a programme CamKids helped set up.
- CamKids donated a new generator and housing shed to Who Will as they are too far away from the electric mains in the village. Lights are only used for three hours each night and at the same time the generator is used to pump water from the well into the water tower. The diesel cost for this is approx $500 - $600 per month which is a huge cost, but at the moment there is no alternative.
- CamKids funded a new 8 metre deep open well which now provides good quality water for the houses.
- The construction of a new football pitch (including leach field), was donated by Chris and Silje’s fundraising efforts in the UK. We are just waiting for the long overdue first rain, before sewing the grass. Chris and Silje emailed CamKids, asking if we had any projects they could help with whilst in Cambodia. They volunteered at Who Will for three months and among other things, ran English classes for the children, implementing some fantastic phonics teaching.
- As the land floods in the wet season, a large fishpond has been dug and the land used to infill the affected areas. Fish will be going in to the pond next week!
- A new schoolhouse and office has just been completed on the raised land. This was made possible by a very generous donation of $25,000 to CamKids and $5,000 from the Sakka Foundation(a Hong Kong based charity and good friends of CamKids).
- A volunteer house and volunteer programme are now in place.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
NFO Workshop

- Carry out much needed basic maintenance work around the orphanage
- be used to provide some vocational training for the kids in 'do-it-yourself' skills, which will be very useful when they have their own homes or some might even be able to use the skills to gain employment when they are adults
However, with CamKids' continued support and inspiration for this project, we have ended up with much more than a set of tools. We now have a fully functional workshop and vocational training area, in which we can do all of the above and much more. We can do just about anything within our workshop and are almost self sufficient in most things we need to repair or even manufacture around the orphanage.
Just to give you an idea, I have outlined below a few of our achievements over the past few months. Please remember that, on top of the physical achievement, most of our children have been involved in the vocational learning process while this work has been carried out and the skills they have gained is incredible.
From the little ones with their “not so delicate painting skills" to the older ones who can now measure, design, select materials and build most of the furniture needed by the orphanage and are even producing tables and seats for local village schools. You should have seen the girls when they helped design , convert, and pimp up our economical fleet (well 3) of "Tuk Tuks", which we use for our local transport (more on this in a later post).
- We used the tools to construct our new educational and vocational training building. The workshop is based inside that building with other vocational training rooms and a classroom (materials funded by CamKids, building by volunteers and the children)
- Conversion of rusty old Tuk Tuks into the most reliable, eye catching run-abouts in town
- The construction (helped by a team of volunteers from Hong Kong) of a fantastic new adventure playground
- The manufacture of all tables, seats, shelving and other furniture needed by the orphanage
- The manufacture of over 50 tables and seats for a CamKids funded Village school, enabling 183 kids to be able to sit down and attend school for the very first time (out of a total over over 1,000 children, which CamKids provides funding for us to educate)
I think that you will agree that it is astounding how a project can grow and help so many people.
Thank you CamKids and thank you to all of your donors and supporters.
If you are thinking about travelling to Cambodia and would like to volunteer at NFO for a few days or even a few months, please send an email to NFO.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
CamKids 2009 Report & Accounts
A copy of the report and accounts can be downloaded from HERE.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Football Fun!

Thursday, 20 May 2010
One-2-One Dental Treatment and Health Education for Poor Children

Project Goal: Provide basic dental services for children from orphanages and deprived communities in and around Phnom Penh.
Outcomes: The children accept the treatment well and tears are not common. The dental students who provide the treatment make a lot of effort to talk the children through the procedures and give them a positive experience. The dental students are gaining confidence in treating children, and are even willing to treat the children with HIV. This is excellent training for the students who will be more confident when they graduate. Among the staff supervising the children are two Cambodian paediatric dentists, Dr Sonita and Dr Sopharith.
From January to March, with funding from CamKids, 762 children were treated. Children were seen from 15 orphanages and NGOs.

Monday, 3 May 2010
New Virgin Money Giving Site
Friday, 30 April 2010
CamKids Phonics Workshop

He was inspired to do this after volunteering at a CamKids funded school where he saw the need for an aid to help with pronunciation and understanding of the English sounds.
CamKids brought together 22 Cambodian English teachers from 5 different Provinces to attend a teaching workshop, and covered all associated costs of all transport, accommodation and food.
It was a full day spent on looking at the phonic sounds, letter blending, basic rules and words that break them and then the afternoon moved on to practical activities to carry out in a classroom situation. CamKids Trustee, Dom Sharpe, helped Andrew with the class and everyone had a fantastic day.
Every teacher left with their own resource book and a certificate to show that they had taken part in the day. It also served as an opportunity for many Cambodian teachers to meet with each other and network. The co-operation, integration and enthusiasm to learn was inspiring. Many of the teachers asked for the opportunity to attend more workshops and with this interest and the feedback we have been receiving since the workshop, it is certainly something CamKids is already considering.
Please click the Play button below to see a short video of the day.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
NFO TukTuk Project

The first NFO TukTuk is already running in Takeo itself, ferrying volunteers around town and the ‘Phnom Penh Express’ and ‘Siem Reap Flyer’ will be hitting the streets of those cities shortly, with another set to run in Sihanoukville later this year. If you’re planning on visiting Cambodia soon, look out for them!
Sunday, 28 February 2010
CamKids Funded Building at New Futures Organisation

Well, in our case, we ended up with a fantastic new education centre that will cover all of our needs for the coming years.
CamKids provided funds and advice, we supplied a willing team construction team and local knowledge, and built in a traditional building style a building which houses the following:-
Multi Purpose Room
A large room which can be used as:
- A classroom (complete with furniture built in the workshop mentioned below) which can hold a class of up to 65 children;
- An activities room for arts and crafts, board games, doing homework etc;
- A TV lounge or for watching on social evenings; or
- A home for the largest Lego set in Cambodia.
A room to house our growing library of book, games, DVDs and a small group of old computers which the children learn computer skills on.
A Beauty Room
This is a room in which we teach hairdressing, beauty, nail care. This has two purposes - firstly to teach the girls life skills and secondly to provide vocational training which may develop into a employable skill at a later date.
A Dressmaking room
This is a room in which we teach dressmaking. Once again to provide life skills and vocational training to help the older children find employment, when they leave the orphanage.
A workshop
This is a fully fitted metal and woodworking facility, designed to enable us to carry out most repairs and maintenance on the premises and equipment. We also manufacture our own furniture needed for the orphanage, and our village schools. This is also the room in which we teach DIY skills, once again for life skills and vocational training (we will be posting a separate news entry on this shortly).
You must be thinking all of this must have cost a king's ransom - but you would be wrong!
A big thank you to all of our donors and supporters for making this possible. If you would like to find out more about CamKids or our projects at NFO, please send an email to contact@camkids.org.
Friday, 12 February 2010
Mobile Dental Unit

The following is a report from a recent trip to Kampong Chhnang from 11th to 15th January 2010 by the One-2-One NGO in Cambodia, which provides free dental and medical treatment to poor children and their families. In addition to donating funds to One-2-One for their general work, CamKids is funding the cost of a mobile dental unit to perform regular visits to outlying areas of Cambodia, where the population is too poor, even to travel to the free clinic in Phnom Penh.
During this trip, 351 patients were seen in total, of which 206 were age 18 and under. 201 extractions and 195 fillings took place and 51 scalings were carried out. We had 2-5 dentist for the 5 days and our numbers were boosted towards the afternoon with a dentist coming over from the prison service to help . During this time 1 dentist was unwell for 1 day but recovered after that to continue the excellent work.
The mobile clinic took place in the local community facilities, and community leaders also helped us find the pockets of the most needy children. The team went in high spirits - all keen to help and make a difference. Everyone had a job to do - registration, dental education, treatment, worming, nits treatment, sterilizing of equipment.
Even though, for many, this was the first time they had met a dentist, they were amazingly brave and coped extremely well. We also provided health education for the children - giving tooth brushes and tooth paste and teaching them how to use them.
We also had a great nit busters team, applying shampoo waiting the appropriate time and then off to rinse and dry and a great team out at the back doing the cleaning and sterilizing.
Please also check out the slideshow of the trip below. If you would like to help us fund this fantastic project, please contact: medical@camkids.org or make a single or regular donation from our website and mark the project 'Dental'. Payment can also be made online from the link in the sidebar on the right of our Weblog or HERE.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Rumdoul School Visit by CamKids Supporters

In mid December my wife, Lynne, son Harley and I were able to combine a cycle trip through Western Cambodia with the chance to see first hand some of the work that CamKids is funding. After a week on the bikes we met up with 2 of the CamKids Trustees, Dom and Benita Sharpe, in Phnom Penh. We had been in contact via email for a number of weeks so it was great to finally put faces to the names and catch up on all the current projects they are overseeing in and around the capital, during their year long stay in Cambodia, en route to Australia.
We headed south for a day to Kais Village Orphanage and then on the school at Rumdoul Thmei. The staff and kids at Kais were very welcoming and only too willing to show us around. We spent most of our time in the new nursery, with any number of kids toddling up to us to be picked up and carried around. We also checked out the mango orchard and Dom’s pride and joy - the methane collector from the pig sty that helps fuel the stoves in the kitchen – pure genius we reckon! The compact little medical centre was also very impressive. It was a wonderful visit, made all the more touching by the warm welcome that everyone gave us.
The Rumdoul Thmei school has been important to our extended family for the past three years. After our friend, Amber Murray, got us involved in CamKids we got together and decided that since we have a number of teachers in the family we would like to support a school. At the time, Rumdoul was just starting up so everything fell into place. Our visit in December was therefore very special to us. On the first afternoon we met the staff and some of the students, but many had gone home for the day. So we returned the next morning and were introduced to each class. It was both inspiring and thought provoking to see the amount of work that had been done to establish the school in such a short space of time but also to realise how rudimentary the facilities were and how much better resourced they could be. What was most obvious though was the the great enthusiasm the kids had for learning and how excited they were to be given the opportunity. I wish that every class I taught back in my well resourced school in Australia was filled with the same thirst for knowledge and sheer exuberance we saw in faces of the children at Rumdoul.
We would very much like to thank Benita and Dom for taking time out of their heavy schedule to take us to visit these two projects. And we urge everyone to continue to give generously to support Camkids. To see the work they are doing first hand was a privilege and an experience that our family will never forget.
If you would like to support this or any of our other education projects, please send an email to schools@camkids.org.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
CamKids Medical Update

As well as paying for the doctor's visit, CamKids covers the cost of necessary medicines and is now paying for a full time nurse to live on site. This will help in the training of the nannies, day to day medical care and aiding the doctor with his visits as well as on going treatment and observation.
Each visit, the doctor sees all the babies and toddlers and all children now have well documented and up to date medical records. Babies are weighed at regular intervals to check growth and development. The doctor also spends half an hour every visit, instructing the nannies on basic first aid and hygiene. CamKids is proud to be able to continue to support such a worthwhile project.
We have been expanding our medical programs to reach more children and details of these projects will follow shortly. However, as we expand such projects (where the benefits to children are obvious and undeniable) our costs also grow. If you feel you could help in any way, please contact medical@camkids.org or make a donation HERE (please insert 'Medical', as the project).
In the slide show below you will see the doctor and the nurse, as well as a number of nannies and the children being treated.