Two of our trustees, Dom & Benita, are taking on the Angkor Wat challenge in aid of CamKids. They moved to Cambodia for a year with their 2 children three months ago. They are self funding their trip and are on a very tight budget so when they mentioned the idea to their great friend and CamKids Patron, Al Murray, he immediately said he would pay their costs for entering the race, including the purchase of a bike.
Without his help they would not be able to do it. Please repay his faith in them and their faith in helping Cambodian children by donating what you can. Their children, Jak and Theavy, are both doing the 3km fun run. Benita is doing the 10km run, having never done any running in her life.
Dom is cycling 80km on December 5th and running the half marathon on the following day!
Dom is cycling 80km on December 5th and running the half marathon on the following day!
Benita and Dom DO NOT like running but they really want to raise some money for CamKids' projects in Camboda and put your money directly into the hands of those who need it most. That may be in the form of food, education or medicines. You tell us how much we have and we will show you exactly what we can do with it to enhance children's lives.
- Change One Life
- Change The World
To support Dom & Benita, please go to their Justgiving page: www.justgiving.com/Cambo-Sharpies. Thank You.
STOP PRESS - 8/12/09:
Dom, Benita and their children completed the grueling weekend of sponsored events in Siem Reap at the weekend. Dom cycled 80 km on Saturday in 2 hours 40 mins, followed by a 21 km run on Sunday in 1 hour and 52 minutes. Benita ran 10 km in 1 hour 1½ minutes, whilst their 10 year old son, Jakamo, ran 3km in 16 minutes and their 6 year old daughter, Theavy, ran 3km in 27 minutes – a fantastic effort all round. So far they have raised nearly £1,500 from the event, which will help fund one of our many new projects. If you would like to show your support to the Sharpes and CamKids, please make a donation on their JustGiving fundraising page: www.justgiving.com/Cambo-Sharpies.