CamKids is delighted to have been chosen by Dataquest UK as their Charity of the Year.
During our fundraising 'Al Murray Golf Classic' last year, the company made a donation of £5,000 and will make a further donation for every transaction generated through their association with CamKids. Dataquest UK are specialists in business technology and supply digital copiers, telecommunications, information technology and document management solutions. For further information, please visit http://www.dataquestuk.com/.
The money donated by Dataquest UK has been put into our medical fund and will support the cost of a much-needed doctor and nurse at Kais Village Orphanage. The doctor visits once a week and the nurse is now a full time member of staff. This has proved to be of great benefit as levels of day to day hygiene have been improved and ongoing medical care will no longer be a problem.
We would like to thank Dataquest UK for selecting CamKids and wish them good luck with their fundraising for CamKids.