We would like to offer a big thanks to all of our supporters who have raised money for CamKids through JustGiving sponsored runs, cycle events, birthdays, weddings and other fundraising initiatives.
Recent heroic work has included Matt and Sophia's epic 1,000 mile cycle ride from Land's End to John O'Groats - battling all the elements during the appalling summer we have just had. Also, Daniel's 100 mile Manchester bike ride and Kamila's 5.6km corporate running challenge. We would also like to wish good luck to Rachel, who competes in a half Marathon on 5 October.
You don’t have to use our JustGiving site just for sponsored or special events - you can also use it as a general fundraising tool to tell your friends and family that you are a CamKids supporter and ask them to join you. Far easier than rattling a tin or chasing donors for cash. Lots of people set up a fundraising page after a trip to Cambodia to let their friends know how they have been affected by the country and how they can help the children. Scroll down to the bottom of this Weblog to see some other ideas from our current fundraisers.
If you would like to raise money for CamKids, please visit our JustGiving site: www.justgiving.com/tccc or contact us at justgiving@camkids.org for information and fundraising materials.