This edition starts with news of the completion of a large nursery at Kais Village Orphanage, with the assistance of members of the Royal Engineers and volunteers from the UK and Australia. We also have updates of our Farm project and Child Sponsorship programmes at Kais.
We also include an update on Rumdoul Thmei school, in Kampong Speu Province as well as other ongoing projects and reports of some of the fantastic fundraising work which our supporters have completed recently.
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Thanks again to all of our donors and supporters, without whom none of this would have been possible.
With Best Wishes
The CamKids Trustees
GIVING FROM ABROAD - If you are an Australian or American taxpayer, you can now make tax deductible donations to CamKids. Please send Mark Purser an e-mail at: finance@camkids.org, for further details.
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