Whilst we were at Kais Village, we visited Rumdoul Thmei school, the acquisition and renovation of which was funded by CamKids, to see how the work was progressing (see last update on the school opening Here). We are pleased to report that most of the work has been completed on budget, including improvements to the water and waste systems, the construction of a house for the teachers, sub-dividing the large building into 3 separate classrooms and building a wall all around the school, for improved security. This involved a great deal of land infilling and the final works, including the construction of the permanent security post, will be competed later this year, once the land has settled down and the rainy season is over.
Unfortunately, our visit coincided with the Khmer New Year and so school was not in session. However, knowing that we would be visiting, the teacher asked some of the children if they would come to school that morning, to see us. Over 120 children made the journey - some of them walking more than 5 km in the blazing sun !! We were very honoured and had to send out for more crisps and soft drinks for the children (see the slideshow below). The children sang some songs to us and the teacher explained about the schools and other donors in the UK and Australia who have helped CamKids to give them the chance of an education. It was very moving and they honestly appreciate that there are people on the other side of the world who are thinking of them and who want to help.
Thank you again to all of our very generous donors who have made this possible and also to our regular donors who help pay for the ongoing cost of running the school. We are still looking for sponsors to help cover the running costs and if you would like to find out more about the project or if you would like to sponsor a teacher or a student, please send an e-mail to: Mark Purser. Alternatively, to make a regular online donation, please click REGULAR or SINGLE, to make a single online donation. Please mark any donation 'Rumdoul'.
Thank you again to all of our very generous donors who have made this possible and also to our regular donors who help pay for the ongoing cost of running the school. We are still looking for sponsors to help cover the running costs and if you would like to find out more about the project or if you would like to sponsor a teacher or a student, please send an e-mail to: Mark Purser. Alternatively, to make a regular online donation, please click REGULAR or SINGLE, to make a single online donation. Please mark any donation 'Rumdoul'.