A great deal has happened since our launch on 1 March 2007 and we have grown far faster than we could have anticipated. Through your generosity we have been able to support more projects which directly help the children in Cambodia.
The Newsletter provides an update of projects at Kais Village Orphanage, including the Medical Centre, the new Kitchen / Canteen and the Farm project.
We are also very pleased to report on the official opening of a rural school for more than 200 children, which was financed by CamKids, as well as a number of other ongoing projects and some of our fundraising events.
To access the Newsletter, you can either click on the image above, This Link or Contact Us and we will send you a copy by e-mail. If you sign up to our Newsletter Here, you will receive your copy by e-mail every 6 months (your details will not be used for commercial or any other purpose).
Thanks again to all of our donors and supporters, without whom none of this would have been possible.
With Best Wishes
The CamKids Trustees
GIVING FROM ABROAD - If you are an Australian or American taxpayer, you can now make tax deductible donations to CamKids. Please send Mark Purser an e-mail at: finance@camkids.org, for further details.
SPREAD THE WORD - please forward this blog entry or the Newsletter to any friends or family who you think might be interested. if you could ‘cc’ the e-mail to us as well, we will add their e-mail address to our Newsletter database, so that they receive the next issue directly.
We will never provide personal information to any other organisation. If you wish to unsubscribe from this Newsletter, please contact us.