On Friday 21st September the Inaugural Al Murray Golf Classic fund raising event took place at Wyke Green Golf Club in Osterley, Middlesex. Fifty-six ‘golfing’ men and women set off around the course with ongoing entertainment provided by Al Murray and Abi Titmuss, for what proved to be a fantastic day for everyone involved.
The golf was of mixed quality with many of the ‘ordinary’ shots captured on a short film of the day, shot by our friends at GBTV, which can be viewed by following This Link. After making hard work of a lovely course, the weary golfers soon picked up as the evening guests started to arrive. Following a few drinks at the bar eighty-three guests sat down for a wonderful three-course meal.
Later in the evening, Abi Titmuss hosted a raffle and the Governor himself, Mr Al Murray, presided over a very successful auction. People seemed quite willing to part with their cash, although it did seem to be the Landlord’s hand in their pockets.
This brought the profit for the day up to a staggering £10,000, which will make an incredible contribution to our work in Cambodia. The whole event was an overwhelming success and ended with a disco for the revellers to strut their stuff. Such was the popularity of the event that it will definitely be repeated again next year!