CamKids Trustee, Mark Purser, visited Cambodia recently and attended the official opening and blessing of Rumdoul Thmei school, in Kampong Speu Region (see article Here). The school is located in an extremely isolated and poor community, even by Cambodian standards. None of the children have ever spent a single day at school.
CamKids is working with a local NGO and has provided the financing for the acquisition of the land and buildings and renovation of the school. CamKids will also be meeting the running costs of the school, which will be teaching the Cambodian State syllabus, under the supervision of the Ministry of Education. Future plans include teaching English to the students and providing vocational training for the older children.
Representatives from the Ministry, as well as Village and Commune Chiefs and the families of the children also attended the opening. All of the children were given a school bag containing writing materials, small toys and sweets and they will all be provided with school uniforms and flip flops. As many of the children have to walk over 5 km to the school, we are also planning to provide bicycles to some of the students.
We still need donors to help support the running costs of the school, including regular sponsors for the teachers and pupils and donors to fund the cost of 'School Starter Packs' for each of the children. If you would like to find out more about the project or if you would like to sponsor a teacher or a student, please send an e-mail to: Mark Purser. Alternatively, to make a regular online donation, please click REGULAR or SINGLE, to make a single online donation. Please mark any donation ‘School’.